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The dangers of Vaping | Hypnotherapy Leeds

Vaping HypnotherapyThe dangers of vaping

So vaping’s not so safe after all, we’re now being told. Well,  here at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic , we’ve never advocated the use of tobacco substitutes as a means to quitting.

The main reason is that such products, and that includes e-cigs, help perpetuate the myth that smoking is primarily a physical addiction rather than a psychological issue.

Nicotine gum, patches and more recently vaping, all maintain the fallacy that quitting cigarettes is going to be hell.

Successful treatment using hypnotherapy

But that’s nonsense. I’ve successfully treated hundreds of smokers using hypnotherapy and I start by explaining to them that what they regard as their physical addiction is their minds playing tricks. They mistake the fear they feel at giving up as being withdrawal symptoms. But this anxiety is a conditioned response. Their conditioning has been reinforced over the years, not least by the marketing of tobacco substitute products, including e-cigarettes.

But surely, many people insist, vaping is safer than smoking.  I don’t disagree; yes it is – but it’s a bit like saying boxing is safer than being a Roman gladiator and then being surprised when your nose gets bust in the ring.

Just because smoking is so life-threatening and debilitating and vaping somewhat less so, doesn’t equate to vaping being safe.

And now we’re being informed that e-cigs are actually worse for you than has been generally assumed.

New statistics

New research reveals that adults who vape are 56% more at risk of a heart attack and more prone to coronary artery disease and depression compared to non-users. They are also 30% more likely to have a stroke than non-users.

Mohinder Vindhyal, Assistant professor at the University of Kansas School of Medicine who led the research using data from more than 96,000 people is quoted as saying: “This is a real wake-up call and should prompt more action and awareness about the dangers of e-cigarettes.”

The conclusion is clear: given a choice between smoking, vaping or quitting the only safe option is to stop.

Super-size Models | Hypnotherapy Leeds

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy LeedsSuper-size Model

Hypnotherapy Leeds

A letter in the ‘New Scientist’ magazine caught my eye this week because of its relevance to the weight-loss treatment I offer at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic.

The letter mentioned American super-size model Tess Holliday who describes herself as a body positive activist.

Her Wikipedia profile says Tess embraces the word ‘fat’ and advocates that people should be able to eat as much as they want without suffering social ostracism.

I couldn’t agree more with Tess’s insistence that people shouldn’t be subject to mockery or exclusion because of their size. Of course not – no-one deserves to be bullied.

But whether or not an individual is happy with being overweight is another matter.

Confidence credo

Yet I admire Tessa’s body confidence credo – part of treatment at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic involves teaching people how to ‘own’ their personal characteristics and not be troubled by the prejudiced opinions of others. Treatment at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic is always non-judgmental no matter what condition or disorder is being treated.

You might wonder, though, that if I agree with Tessa’s sentiment, am I not being contradictory or even hypocritical by suggesting fat people should lose weight?

My answer is no – I’m not. I’m not because while I applaud people embracing mental well-being, I also care about people’s physical well-being. The two are not distinct. Psychological issues and physical issues are often intertwined.

And put simply, the hard truth is that being fat is not good for physical health even if it can be made to seem glamorous.

That brings me back to the letter in the ‘New Scientist’. It is from a Ms Christine Rogers of London responding to a previous article in the magazine on ‘fat acceptance.’

Everyday tasks

Ms Rogers writes that she is aged 79 and overweight, having risen from 7.5 stone (48 kg) in her 20s to 75kg today. At one stage she weighed 90kg. She points out that Tessa Holliday is aged only 33 and seemingly capable of coping with her excess weight. However, Ms Rogers warns that the model is storing up trouble for the future. She doesn’t mention the obvious medical problems of heart disease and diabetes in her letter but focuses instead on less glaring difficulties that emerge with age such as the painting or cutting or toenails, getting in or out of a bath or into public transport seats – everyday tasks made more problematic by being overweight. Seemingly trivial tasks that in youth are simple enough become more onerous with age, particularly so if one in fat, she says.

Ultimately, though, being overweight is a lifestyle choice. No-one needs to be fat.

Taking responsibility at Leeds Hypnotherapy

I teach clients who come to see me at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic that losing weight needn’t be a chore. It can actually be fun. It is about taking responsibility and being the person you want to be.

If you choose to be fat now and in the future, you are entitled to that choice, (though that decision impacts on the lives of others close to you.)

Unlike super-size model Tess, it’s unlikely that you’re ever going to turn being overweight into a profitable business plan.

But be happy, whatever your size.

Be aware, though, that being fat is never going to be the healthy preference.

Vaping or Hypnotherapy in Leeds

Vaping HypnotherapyVaping is back in the news

Over the past few years, Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic has helped hundreds of smokers give up cigarettes.

And one question sometimes asked by people first enquiring about treatment is: “Would it be just easier to vape instead – use e-cigarettes rather than the real thing?”

My answer to this is simple: “When you really want to quit, I’ll be here and happy to help.”

I add that quitting is by far the better option.

I also add that when they are ready to quit, giving up will be a doddle. It will be a doddle because I’ll teach the client to understand their condition and integrate that comprehension into their unconscious, through clinical hypnosis.

You might conclude then, that I don’t think vaping is a great idea and as a consequence that the recent recommendation by the Science and Technology Committee of MPs that vaping be provided on prescription by the NHS is flawed.

This, though, is not entirely the case.

First of all, I am happy to accept that vaping is a far safer option than smoking cigarettes and that anyone not yet ready to give up entirely should make the switch from cigs to e-cigs as soon as possible.

But there are other factors to consider.

The most important of these is that the use of tobacco substitutes in smoking cessation programmes perpetuates the myth that smoking is primarily a physical addiction when in reality it is a psychological issue – like obsessive compulsive disorders it is rooted in anxiety and can be successfully treated. The reasoning and methodology of this treatment are explained in my book “Stop Smoking: It’s a doddle” which can be downloaded for free from my website.

It should be noted that treatment using clinical hypnosis is far more cost effective than vaping.

And with vaping you’re still shackled to a useless, expensive, socially-restricting habit. Figures as to how many vapers are also dual users (that is they continue to smoke tobacco too) are a concern too.

Health studies

Other matters to consider regarding vaping, include the fact that, as the products have been available for only a decade, no long-term health studies have been possible; there are suspicions that vaping can damage vital immune system cells. In other words while vaping can almost certainly be deemed a safer option than cigarettes it is not correct to say the practice is without health risks.

A claim made by the science and technology committee of MPs’ report into vaping that raises concern is that there is no evidence to suggest e-cigarettes provide a gateway into smoking for youngsters. I would, however, ask from what studies has such a deduction been drawn and I would point them in the direction of studies by Cardiff University and some in the USA that might challenge such a conclusion.

Vaping in public

Finally, another matter certain to cause controversy is the suggestion that regulations on vaping in public be relaxed, so as to encourage smokers to switch from tobacco cigarettes. The obvious question here is why vapers should be allowed to expose others to their habit?

I’ll just stick to helping people quit and conclude with a quote from George Butterworth of Cancer Research UK responding to the report, who said that any changes to current e-cigarette regulations “should be aimed at helping smokers to quit whilst preventing young people from starting to use e-cigarettes.”

Stammering and Stuttering Hypnotherapy in Leeds

Hypnotherapy LeedsStammering and Stuttering Hypnotherapy in Leeds

I read an interesting article in the i newspaper last week (25/10/17) concerning stammering, which is one of many conditions that we treat here at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic.
The piece was written by 21-year-old student Rory Sheridan who is himself someone with a stammer.
Rory has undergone therapy at the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children in London where, writes Rory, “the negative thoughts which I had about my stammer were turned into positive ones as I realised it wasn’t such a bad thing.”
He adds: “Everyone has their thing that they find difficult – speaking is mine.”
What Rory writes reflects a fundamental concept in the successful treatment of many conditions – an individual gaining the confidence and self-awareness to manage that particular condition. At Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic we help clients to change their perspectives where appropriate.

A fresh insight

The treatment Rory has received has provided him with a fresh insight. He says he now sees his condition differently and doesn’t allow stammering to hold him back.
“I apply for all the jobs and opportunities I want to.”
In the past that would have been beyond him – his anxiety over how others might perceive him had become debilitating.
Nowadays, if someone has a negative reaction, Rory regards that as their problem not his. And now that he has the confidence to acknowledge his stammer to himself and to others he finds that the vast majority of people react positively. And so his confidence increases.
Rory concludes by stating: “We are increasingly seeing and realising the many positives of what stammering gives to a person: empathy, patience, great listening skills, attention to detail and creativity. The list goes on. I try to see the positives where I can.”
Such words are heartening to me not only as a therapist but on a personal level too because as a child I also had a significant stammer.

Children and adults

People who stutter, as I did from an early age, do so to varying degrees and in various circumstances and while the condition is most common in children it often extends into adulthood. As the newspaper article indicates the condition can involve “blocking” – that being the inability on occasions to utter words or sometimes even any sound; “repetition” – that being repeating words or syllables time and time again before managing to move on to the next; “prolongation” – elongating the sound of words far longer than most speakers.
At school I had particular difficulty with words beginning with “D” which being named Danny was rather unfortunate. Even now some of my old pals still call me: D-d-d-Danny. And in essence it is how people react that eases or erodes an individual’s confidence. Sometimes a negative impact is unintentional – for example the well-meaning parent who adopts the habit of completing a child’s unfinished sentence; sometimes it is more malevolent, such as a bullying teacher who uses the child’s difficulty against the youngster to exert authority.

Rebuilding self-confidence

I learnt to control my own condition with the help of a kindly speech therapist and by building up my own self-confidence.
Self-confidence can be rebuilt.
In my own case I found strength from a young age in the boxing gym. (In fact, some of the best help and encouragement I received in life came from my boxing coaches Harry Pinkney and Kevin Cunningham, though I doubt if either of them ever regarded themselves as therapists.)
At Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic, you might be relieved to learn we don’t have a boxing ring.
We do build confidence though, helping clients to overcome anxieties related to various conditions. We also employ techniques specific to individual conditions – in the case of stammering, for example, a simple exercise is to teach a person not to close his or her eyes when speaking – they are often unaware that when stuttering their eyes will shut – by concentrating on keeping their eyes open the mind is distracted from their perceived speech difficulty.
This is just one simple technique among many others which we combine with cognitive behavioural therapy and clinical hypnosis for the benefit of clients.

The Marvels of Hypnotism

The Marvels of Hypnotism

The Marvels of HypnotismMy last Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic blog on the marvels of hypnotism seems to have touched a tender nerve with one or two fellow practitioners.
I suggested that by encouraging the notion that hypnotherapy is some kind of magical art, we invite misunderstanding and that misunderstanding challenges integrity.
A fuller explanation of my reasoning might be helpful; there are therapists who feel that an aspect of alchemy is a vital ingredient in the potency of hypnosis.
And though I have some sympathy with that sentiment, I sense it is restricting.
Confidence in the ability of a practitioner is an important element of successful treatment, to be sure – after all we are dealing with science of the mind and behaviour. Props and a sense of authority can therefore be useful tools in efficacy – a truth that is apparent all around us in the wider world: uniforms that announce a certain licence; cars that boast prestige; advertising that promotes exclusivity – the list is endless.
To a greater or lesser degree we are all subject to image and this moulds our behaviour and beliefs. And while bridling belief is a powerful phenomenon, hijacking beliefs, as on occasions exercised by some political and/or religious leaders, is controlling.
There is an important distinction, here – it is the difference between assistance and abuse.

Securing Confidence

It is widely acknowledged that the mind is a powerful healer and the positive effects of placebo treatment have long been accepted. For such treatment to be constructive, securing the confidence of a patient or client is essential and so it is useful, perhaps vital, that the practitioner, whether a medical doctor, therapist or nurse commands a level of esteem. To this day you will see doctors in hospital wearing stethoscopes around their necks – they are a mark of competence, yet are an instrument invented in 1816 as a tool for auscultation and their use has long been usurped by ultrasound and MRI scanners. But people still associate the stethoscope with medical proficiency and are suitably reassured. The patient’s treatment will most likely involve cutting edge technology and powerful pharmacy yet the humble stethoscope remains an emblem of trust.
So where does clinical hypnotherapy fit into all this.

Positive Perception

Well, I gladly acknowledge the benefits of what might be termed positive perception. I also acknowledge that adopting a level of “mystery” can work with some clients. At Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic, we receive some clients who are convinced the therapist has extraordinary powers, and therefore they will benefit from an unquestioning faith in treatment. Such a technique can be used to address a wide range of conditions and the positive effects largely negate criticism.
Yet, in my experience, such action works well on only a percentage of clients.
At Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic the preferred method of treatment is a personally adapted cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) designed by myself that is reinforced by clinical hypnosis.
We strip away the notion of ‘magical treatment’ and explain the client’s condition to him or her; in the vast majority of cases the client has misunderstood his or her condition.
In essence they have hypnotised themselves – and it is my job to “dehypnotise” them.
A common comment is: “Daniel, I think my problem is that I overthink matters and get obsessed and anxious.”
My response is: “No – you don’t think too much, you just think inaccurately.”

That ‘lightbulb’ moment

This might seem blunt, arrogant even, but as my explanation continues there is often a “lightbulb” moment when the client grasps the concept.
They recognise they have trapped themselves in a cycle of stress – and put simply, they have over time become anxious about being anxious.
They have harboured a fear of being afraid, to the extent in some cases that they have propagated within themselves what is termed panic disorder.
The hypnosis treatment that follows an adapted CBT integrates into the unconscious the clients newly-gained insight of their condition. It allows the client to draw on inner strength and comprehension whenever necessary in the future.
While this treatment demands skill on the part of the hypnotherapist, it is not magic.
It might be asked: “But how does the unconscious work?”
Ha. And so we arrive at the true mystery: while we are able to observe manifestations of unconscious and bring influence to bear, the profound workings of the mind remain largely unexplained by science.
As we strive to discover the secrets of the mind it becomes apparent there is still more to learn than we might ever have imagined.
And so the great mystery prevails.

Misconceptions Concerning Hypnotherapy

Misconceptions Concerning Hypnotherapy

The primary focus of Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic is to help people overcome psychological issues and improve their overall wellbeing.
Here at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic we treat clients using a form of cognitive behavioural therapy reinforced by cognitive clinical hypnosis. And we are pleased that the benefits of our treatment are so effective.
Nowadays, the efficacy of properly administered clinical hypnotherapy is widely recognised – so much so, that it is a surprise to be reminded on occasions that in some circles hypnotherapy is still regarded as a kind of mystical art. It is ranked by some people alongside dubious alternative medicines and even criticised by a few as being little more than a scam.
Without a doubt, it is a sad fact that hypnotherapy is sometimes a misunderstood science.
And misunderstandings arise for a number of reasons, the main one, I would suggest, being misrepresentation.
So, who or what are the sources of misrepresentation?

I’m NOT a Wizard

Well, therapists themselves might share some of the blame. We are sometimes guilty of encouraging the idea that hypnosis is a magical skill (though, it can be argued that such a notion does support the placebo effect). I can’t myself claim to be wholly innocent in such matters – as it was pointed out to me recently, the original cover of my book Stop Smoking: It’s a Doddle depicts me in something of a wizardy pose. Hmmph. Well, quickly brushing that aside to spare my blushes, it might be added that misconceptions concerning clinical hypnosis also arise through another source, that being the general public’s familiarity with stage hypnotism; most people have witnessed stage hypnotism to some extent, whether it be in a pub, at a theatre or on TV. But as I have stated before, stage hypnotism and clinical hypnotherapy are distinct from one another – the former is entertainment (and is not really hypnosis) while the latter is a means of treating people afflicted by conditions that adversely affect their lives. I’m not trying to disparage stage hypnotism but merely pointing out that it is entertainment and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

They’re Having a Laugh

I was reminded of one further source of misunderstanding regarding clinical hypnotherapy earlier this week – it was casual in its nature but not necessarily insignificant. It occurred as I watched a BBC comedy series entitled Ill Behaviour. The show is about a man who is suffering Hodgkin lymphoma but rather than follow conventional treatment that boasts a proven success rate he opts for alternative treatment – including something called “isomorphic hypnotherapy” – whatever that might be. That the therapy named is most probably something invented by the screen writer doesn’t mean that some people are not going to think the character is talking about clinical hypnotherapy. And to that extent he does the practice of clinical hypnotherapy a disservice. It’s hardly a massive deal but I’m happy to leap to the defence of the industry and state, in case there is any doubt, that no reputable clinical hypnotherapist is ever going to claim he or she has a cure for cancer.
Sometimes, though, psychological issues overlap with physical complaints – for example anxiety often creates physiological symptoms.
But at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic any client who arrives with a physical disorder is politely told to consult his or her GP. For example, it might be that someone who suffers frequent headaches does so as a result of stress and anxiety but before any psychological treatment can be offered it needs to be established that the symptoms are not a consequence of some as yet undiagnosed physical condition. (Details of the ethics adopted at the clinic are to be found on this website.)

Other Scenarios That Hypnotherapy Can Help With

There are other scenarios too. For example in cases of self-harm or self-mutilation, clinical hypnosis can help a sufferer cope with the underlying emotional issues of the condition but the physical wounds and injuries will need to be treated in a surgery.
Of course, cognitive behavioural therapy, which at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic is supported by clinical hypnosis, is a useful tool in helping people with physical illnesses cope with their condition by addressing their associated emotional needs. Mental wellbeing is also recognised as being of great benefit in physical healing.
To sum up, then, while it is important that a professional distinction be made between the psychological and the physiological and that it is essential parameters of treatment are applied, it is useful too to recognise that the two matters are not always mutually exclusive.

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Leeds- The Myth of Fat and Fit

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Leeds

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy LeedsThe Myth of Fat and Fit

Among services offered by Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic are weight loss hypnotherapy programmes that help people who need to shed fat reach their healthy target.
While shapes and sizes vary among clients who come to see us, so too do initial expectations. But we treat everyone equally – we are not judgemental and simply explain what weight a client needs to lose. Some clients are shocked by the fat they have to shed, particularly those who consider themselves fit. Such clients are often, but not exclusively, younger men who prefer to think of their bulk as being mostly muscle. While muscle mass does vary between individuals, fat is still fat and to be healthy most people should aim for a balanced height to weight ratio – this means their body mass index (BMI) should not exceed 25 – and anything above 30 is classed as obese.
(There are a few exceptions when these figures do not apply – notably pregnant women). For the vast majority of people, though, being overweight, or obese, equates to carrying about too much fat. And there is no such thing as being fat but fit.
And this certitude has been confirmed by new research led by Imperial College London and University of Cambridge.
The researchers examined data from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study of half a million people.

Healthy and Unhealthy Metabolic Markers

Participants’ BMI was examined alongside metabolic markers (e.g. blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels, etc) to determine who was classed “healthy” or classed “unhealthy.”
Findings showed that being “healthy” but overweight or obese still increased the likelihood of contracting coronary heart disease.
The increased risk was 26% among overweight “healthy” individuals and 28% among those ranked obese, said the study, published in the European Heart Journal.”
Dr Ionna Tzoullaki of Imperial’s School of Public Health is quoted as saying: “I think there is no longer this concept of healthy obese.”
The study’s lead author, Dr Camille Lassale, said: “If a patient is overweight or obese, all efforts should be made to help them get back to a healthy weight.”
Much as people might accept the veracity of all this, the fact remains that many people find the prospect of achieving their ideal weight a daunting task.
At Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic we address this issue, starting with the simple premise that the only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn off – which means eat less.
Simple as this rule is, the practice can appear more complicated. But with the treatment we provide – cognitive behavioural therapy reinforced by clinical hypnosis, losing weight can be fun – achieving your ideal weight can be a doddle. More information and details of how to lose weight with Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic can be found on this website. You can also download for free a guide to losing excess fat with ease, written by me, Daniel McDermid. The guide explains how to attain and maintain your ideal weight.

Calories and the Food Industry

The food industry has been in the news again with health officials insisting more needs to be done to make people eat less or more accurately to consume fewer calories on a daily basis.
New proposals could see the size of portions sold by manufacturers reduced, or ingredients going into many recipes changed.
The targets are expected to be decided by Public Health England within the next 12 months.
I was asked this week whether I thought this was a good idea or just further evidence of interference by the state.
Well, of course, anything that helps benefit people’s health is to be applauded. One of the main problems with processed foods is that too many people are unaware of exactly what they are eating and that includes the number of calories they are consuming.
So no – the food industry should not be allowed to abuse people’s ignorance and health for the sake of maximising profits.
Ultimately, though, the aim should be to educate everyone to recognise the importance of caring for their own health.
One of the lynchpins of successful treatment at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic is for clients to understand the importance of responsibility and to take responsibility for themselves.
Accepting responsibility is a vital factor in addressing all issues and resolving a variety of conditions, including obesity. Taking responsibility might at first seem daunting or a burden. But Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic, using cognitive behavioural therapy reinforced by clinical hypnosis, is able to support and strengthen the resolve of individuals who decide they want to change their lifestyles. They soon realise that losing weight can be fun and eating healthily is easy too. It is all about changing perspectives and being aware. Support from the food industry is to be welcomed too – but ultimately all individuals need to take control of their own lives. And here at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic we know that everyone is capable of that. The Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic guide Man Up Lose Weight, is available to download free from our website.


Leeds Hypnotherapist says ‘Cut The Calories and Slow Down Ageing’

Leeds Hypnotherapist says ‘Cut The Calories and Slow Down Ageing’

Leeds Hypnotherapist states ‘Here at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic we’re always alert to new reports and debate that might be of relevance to the wellbeing of our clients.’
One study to catch our eye this week was reported by, among others, Science Correspondent of the i newspaper, Tom Bawden.
He writes of the work conducted at the University of California in Irvine USA, led by Dr Paolo Sassone-Corsi whose study suggests that a low-calorie diet can slow down the body’s ageing process by beguiling the body’s biological clock.
This seems to be an as yet unrecognised bonus of following a healthy eating regime as well as providing, in all likelihood, an additional incentive to many overweight people wanting to shed fat.

Leeds Hypnotherapist Weight-loss Programmes

Among treatments offered at Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic there are, of course, our weight-loss programmes. Treatment uses cognitive behavioural therapy reinforced by clinical hypnosis to attain and maintain an ideal weight. Clients are helped to understand the obvious physical advantages of being a healthy body size as well as discovering that being a healthy weight also offers wider psychological benefits, such as renewed self-confidence – in other words it enhances the client’s overall wellbeing.
Dr Sassone-Corsi’s new research suggests that there might be a further, as yet unrecognised benefit associated with adopting a low-calorie regime – that being the slowing down of the ageing process.
The theory is that the more you avoid a high-calorie intake, the quicker your digestive process will be and therefore the younger your body clock will think you are. This is based on the body clock’s normal assumption that the older you are, the slower you process your food.
The correspondent reports that a group of elderly mice that were fed for six months on a diet containing 30% fewer calories than normal showed a “significant improvement in their energy-processing efficiency, giving the body clock a dose of youth.”

‘Rejuvenating the Biological Clock’

He quotes Dr Sassone-Corsi as saying: “Caloric restriction works by rejuvenating the biological clock in a most powerful way.”
Although it seems that research has yet to extended outside the lab, results are nevertheless intriguing.
Food for thought, indeed.

Ten years since smoking was banned in public places in this country

Ten Years of Stopping Smoking in Public Places

Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic notes that it is now ten years since smoking was banned in public places in this country.
The ban came into force on July 1 2007.
From that date smokers were no longer allowed to light up in such premises as pubs, bars and restaurants. It’s now quite hard to imagine just why at the time the move seemed so controversial. Yet, now, most people – including most smokers – accept that no-one should have to suffer second-hand tobacco fumes. And happily, the ban prompted many smokers to quit and continues to this day to encourage smokers to stop. The new law changed the culture of smoking forever.
Pleasing, too, are the statistics that prove the effectiveness of the ban.

Fantastic results from the smoking ban

Quoted in The Guardian newspaper, Duncan Selbie, chief executive of Public Health England, calls it “the single most important public health reform in generations.”
Smoking is now at record low levels, according to NHS Digital with latest figures showing that in just the past year the proportion of the population smoking has dropped from 17.2% to 15.8%.
And Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic is determined hopes to do its bit to help bring down those numbers further.
For anyone doubting the benefits of quitting, a quick study of Public Health England statistics cited in The Guardian reveal that deaths from heart disease attributed to smoking in 2007-09 were 32,548 while for 2013-15 the figure dropped to 25,777 – a fall of 20.8% thanks to the reduction in smoking following the ban. Figures for the same periods relating to deaths from strokes attributed to smoking were 9,743 and 8,334, which is a 14.5% improvement.

Stop Smoking in Leeds: It’s a Doddle

Ultimately, though, regardless of statistics – the decision to quit remains the responsibility of the individual. But for those smokers who choose to ignore all health facts and figures because the prospect of giving up seems just too daunting – here are a few words of comfort: “quitting really doesn’t have to be hard.” Please take a moment or two to look at the Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic website for an explanation as to why giving up can be easy. And if you’re still not convinced, click on the video testimonials of just some of the hundreds of smokers I have helped quit. Their message is: Stop Smoking: It’s a doddle.

Stop Smoking in Leeds Public Places

Stop Smoking in Leeds Public Places

Smokers face a “crushing new blow,” Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic has learned. That’s according to the Daily Star in a report on the Royal Society for Public Health who want smoking to be banned in all public places – including beer gardens.

Many smokers will be “shocked” or “outraged” (depending which newspaper you read). Doubtless many will regard such a curb as an assault on personal liberty. Well, yes, it is – except that non-smokers have personal liberties too – like the right not to breathe in someone else’s fag fumes.
The answer is simple – if you want to smoke do it in private. Or better still, come to your senses and realise it’s time to stop now.
The Royal Society for Public Health feels a public smoking ban will encourage more smokers to switch to e-cigarettes. At Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic we don’t dispute that such devices are preferable to conventional cigarettes. But that doesn’t make them safe either. We advocate that the best solution is simply to quit.
And it is simple to stop.
Once a smoker has decided he or she wants to quit, Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic can make that an easily-achievable reality.
Taking that step will not just save you money, it will most likely save your life too.
So rather than worrying over what bans will be made next and whether you’ll be allowed to light up in a pub car park at 2.00 am or wherever, just step away from the whole issue… and become a non-smoker with immediate effect. Check out the Leeds Hypnotherapy Clinic website for details on how to stop.
The second-edition of Stop Smoking: It’s a Doddle will soon be available to download FREE. If you’d like to receive an alert once the book is available on line, sign up

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